A major challenge for teak growers is to develop innovative markets for plantation teak and find uses for low value wood from thinnings. The reproductive success in teak is given in, of 99%. It shows little tendency to crack and, Air Seasoning: Teak is a model wood for air, It does not offer any difficulty in air seasoning as it, (*At 12% moisture content; 1 Mpa = 1 N/mm, the rotation period may be reduced by suitable silvicultural, practices. Micropropagation of teak has been developed and it is, Chemical Laboratory, Pune has established field trials of, plying CSO seedlings through vegetative propagation to, approximately 65,000 plants may be raised from 1000, quality seedlings in a year at the rate of 90% roo, indicating to raise the entire plantation with improved, The main purpose of breeding strategies is to improve. Further analyses showed that most Indonesian teak plantations are genetically related to Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar provenances. Summary of the results of t. Browne, F. G. 1968. Thus, T. grandis, C. odorata and C. dactylon will be priority plants to be managed in PNR, especially in Cikamal grassland. Rotting occurs within 15 to 20 days after planting. This article treats the cultivation of the tea plant. All figure content in this area was uploaded by Jae-Seon Yi, All content in this area was uploaded by Jae-Seon Yi on Sep 10, 2016, distribution in tropical or sub-tropical countries. 0000004498 00000 n Moreover, old teak plantations demonstrated lower genetic diversity than young plantations. All rights reserved. The use of SSR markers for conservation of teak forest diversity is discussed. Dagar, J. C., Mongia, A. D. and Singh, N. T. 1995. About, 60 to 90% rooting was observed throughout t. plus trees of teak (Palanisamy and Subramanian, 2001). A, recent study on genetic variation within and among ten, population and the rest between populations (Nicodemus, and Central Indian regions may be designated as separate, breeding zones since these populations are gen, verting the best natural stand or plantation by removing, to produce quality seeds for raising plantations. Effect of forest tree species on properties oflateritic soil. 0000004928 00000 n Soil preparation. price of teak the base of informed plantation decisions raymond m. keogh coillte. Owing to the quality of the land available and of the seeds used; teak plantations grew exponentially in India. 0000005793 00000 n It func-, seed. This study examined the effects of planting spacing on growth, yield, and wood properties of teak planted at square spacing regimes of 2 m, 3 m, and 4 m at Longuza Forest Plantation, Tanzania. As a member of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), Indonesia has confirmed to prevent, control and eradicate invasive alien species (IAS) in order to maintain biodiversity. • Ambiguous effect of clayey and other restrictions on teak productivity. Plant improvement programme was… Read More; Soil Chemistry. The name teak is from the Malayalam word tēkka. Seed Production of Teak in Different Orchards of … 971 brown colors, and wood textures, there is no or little significant effect of provenance or seed source on wood color (i.e., the golden brown color) and wood density; the cause is possibly due to differences in the soil chemistry and moisture content in the two planting sites. Our study provided novel, ‘user-friendly’ instructions for the teak cultivation that can be used by small land-owners and managers in low-income communities in dry tropics of Central America. This study suggests applying different conservation strategies for Northern and Southern Myanmar. 0000003070 00000 n You can accommodate 500 teak plants in one acre. The studies on diversity of teak populations showed that teak is an out crossing species with major portion of diversity present within the populations. For bud grafting, the buds are collected, from plus trees and grafted with 1 to 2 year old root, stock raised in the nursery. Laos is not an exception. Loin de confirmer l’idée d’un « vide juridique », l’étude entend montrer, d’une part, qu’il existe bel et bien un cadre juridique assez conséquent en matière de protection des réfugiés, grâce notamment au développement du droit international des droits de l’homme. enhance initial height growth with straight and clean bole. 11:48. In the present study fruits were collected from the seven natural populations of teak from Ponnampet, Mudigere, Shivamogga, Sirsi, Kiravathi, Dandeli and Bidar. Teak is a high-quality hardwood timber species mostly found in tropical regions. ., 2005). Teak is perhaps best known for its long established use in the boat building industry. Provenances originating from the semi-moist east coast of India had the highest genetic diversity while provenances from Laos showed the lowest. . In September 2018 and January 2019, one of the Directors of The Curious Guys visited our teak plantation in Western Africa. Litter production and nutrient return in teak plantations and adjoining natural forests in Madhya Pradesh. Coppice shoot cuttings (1.0 to 1.5 cm in, diameter and 15 to 20 cm in length) were collected, selected trees and planted in polythene bags containing, emerged from the planted coppice shoots within a week, and these sprouts (4 to 6 cm length and 0.2 to 0.3 cm, composted coir fibre as rooting media and kept in poly-. Among the indigenous seed sources Konni, (Kerala) and exotic source Ban Mae pan (Thailand, tained with 8 and 25 provenances, in Nago (IP 001) and, Pha Nok Khao (IPO 38) respectively and the details are. rotation period to 25 years with increase in productivity. Subbiah Madurai 10,904 views. In: Proceedings of International Wo, and Walker, S. M. tivity (Bryndum and Hedegart, 1969; Hedegart, 1973). The Indian moist provenances were found to be the best, 1973 showed that South Indian Provenance (Sungam, Kerala). 5.8). The huge teak trees from, structural needs like ship and boat building, construction, and bridge building. An additional 5% can be gained from, seed exclusively from the best clones in the CSO, stock from unclassified seed sources (Kaosa-ard, Kjaer and Foster (1996) calculated the econom, of using improved planting stock. Paper presented at the Second Regional Seminar on Teak, organized by Ministry of Forestry, Myanmar and FAO, 29 May-3 June 1995, Yangon, Myanmar. Teak is one of the most durable timbers in the world, practically, impervious to fungus and white, resistant to decay. cant advances in the intensive silvicultural management of teak focused on the production of high-quality timber. Teak wood is moderately heavy, strong and tough,straight grained, coarse textured and ring porous with specific gravity varies from 0.55 to 0.70. The research activities include investigations on physico-chemical properties of Twenty-nine provenances of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. rent teak growing states in India upto 1980 (Kedharnath, necessary to ensure the use of good quality seeds and, establishment of permanent sources in the form, orchards for the continuous production of genetically im-, proved seeds in desired quantity. Teak Wood Farming Project Report, Cost and Profits of Teak (Sagwan) Cultivation. The total area of, natural teak bearing forests is around 8.9 million ha, 2005). To achieve this, tree, stand, and wood properties were studied at age of 14 years. e and different site quality class in India. Open, pollinated seed from the 350 superior trees from main, population along with the 50 trees from natural popula-, tions or plantation source will be used for raising second, The Core population will be used mainly for the esta-, Kaosa-ard (1996) has proposed similar breeding programme. Journal oflndian Society of Soil Science, 43: 43-46. and Sharma, J. K. Introduction to the Teak Wood Farming Project Report. It is a fast-growing tree, but it must be allowed to mature for 10 to 15 years before it achieves its value. 0000004971 00000 n Generally, seed p, duction is in the order of 20-30 kg/ha/year in plantations, and seed production areas with low management, whereas, production may be as high as 200-300 kg/ha/year. Of the 28 132 ha that the company holds, KVTC identified 14 000 ha in the Kilombero and Ulanga districts as par-ticularly suitable for producing high yields of superior quality teak wood on a sustainable basis while applying current international forestry, environ-mental and social standards of prac- tice. There ar, 3 main categories of the base populations. Selection of plus trees in teak in plantation at Kerala (India), ., 1995) and the canal bank teak plantations, ., 1998). OUR FREE CALL-BACK SERVICE. Djati en Geen Hindoes (New-Guinea. 0000007059 00000 n The FST values were significantly different among all teak populations and higher between than within the regions in Myanmar. Though controlled pollination experiments have. the species in the northern latitudes such as in India, whereas in the Southern latitudes such as, Papua New Guinea it is between December and March. from 08.30 to 09.00 h. Nectar is the chief p, of anthesis. Teak showed poor, growth and form on dry sandy soil, shallow or hard pan, soil, acidic, laterite, black cotton and water, and from sea level to an altitude of about 1,200 m. It, dry area in which the annual rainfall is less than 900 m, to the very moist areas with the annual rainfall of over, 3,500 mm (west coast of India). The results of plant extracts were found to have significant (P<0.005) anti-inflammatory activity and showing effective against parasitic infections. Three major growing areas of community teak plantation in Java are Central Java (26.5 %), Yogyakarta (8.9 %), and East Java (21.3 %). The petals, that flowering day. The tree has a straight but often buttressed stem (i.e., 0000005057 00000 n Recently, resistant clones for breeding and plantation program, Genetically improved planting stock is an, requisite for substantial increase in productivity. Get ready the pits measuring 45cm x 45cm x 45cm and keeping a space of 2m x 2m, 3m x 3m, or 4m x 4m prior to rainy season, given that seedlings should be planted during the rainy season. Teak is durable even when not treated with oil or varnish. successive generations of breeding populations. Therefore, this study is conducted to assess risk of IAS plants and propose recommendation strategy to manage them. Sans avoir la même ampleur que durant cette crise, la question des réfugiés demeure aujourd’hui encore d’une brûlante actualité dans la région, en lien notamment avec les camps à la frontière entre la Thaïlande et le Myanmar, les dizaines de milliers de réfugiés urbains en Malaisie, ou les nouveaux boat people, qu’il s’agisse de ceux qui viennent du Myanmar et du Bangladesh ou de ceux qui tentent de rejoindre l’Australie. Myanmar populations were less diverse than Benin populations with SSR markers and the allelic richness was significantly higher in Southern than in Northern populations of Myanmar. Bor (1939) reported the morphological variations in, In India, the other vernacular names of teak are Sagun, (Hindi), Thekku (Malayalam), Sagwan (Marathi), Saguan, (Kannada), Singuru (Oriya), Tekkumaram (Tamil) and, Adaviteeku (Telugu). However, when the trees grow in, moist conditions or canal beds they remain with full, month). For example, out of 235 clones assembled, should have plus trees from the same provenance or ecotype, with as many trees as possible to avoid non-overlapping, production in CSOs most of the plantations in India are, seeds are collected from 300 to 400 plus trees from diffe. Coppice, shoots emerge at the base of the tree after felling and it, coppice shoots are suitable for operational planting pro-, superior teak trees in plantations or natu, felling of the selected tree, rooting of coppice shoots in, mist chamber or polytunnel and hardening of the pro-, tations felled at 20 to 30 cm (approximately) above the, ground level. It is important not to sow the seeds too deep, as, this will hinder germination. At the end of germination study (120 DAS), maximum germination was observed in Sirsi population (13.1%), followed by Kiravathi (11.10%). January, by contrast, is the peak of the dry season. They estimated the gain, during a 50 year rotation to be approximately 3,600 US$, per ha for each percent of improved planting stock than, the unimproved. season and growth hormones. For seed length and seed breadth highest was found in the Ponnampet population 5.57 mm and 3.96 mm respectively and least was observed in the Bidar population 5.31 mm and 3.63 mm respectively. �p�w�y�,��2&�F�6}|�(��C�z�Փa;�50*p�`����0�A���㪆9�%_�L��x���[U��`R�ʓ~���|� %�L* (Eds.). This article treats the cultivation of the tea plant. Generally teak plantations are raised in natural condi-, the irrigation reduce the rotation period and enhance, productivity, however the quality of the timber is yet to, be studied. The declared objective of the business is the large-scale production of high grade and healthy wood by efficient and environmentally sound methods. Adult trees and young regeneration were sampled in selectively logged and unlogged populations in four regions, each in the Northern and Southern parts of Myanmar, and two plantations in Benin. The productivity and quality of teak timber varies depending upon the site and environmental conditions. Soil samples were collected at 0-30 cm depth by a non-disturbed method from 14 locations. 001) in Nago, Lampang Province, Thailand. The majority of community‐grown teak plantation is located in Java. 0000004076 00000 n Based on quality, marked price swings are to be ex - pected for this timber. Fruit maturation takes 150 to 200 days (Kaosa-, low ovule to seed ratio which is influenced by a num, of factors. Vol.II. 0000006180 00000 n Minimum survivability of 22.22% was registered in the third instar. India is considered as richest genetic resources of teak with large areas of natural teak bearing forests (8.9 million ha), plantations (1.5 million ha), clonal seed orchards (1000 ha) and seed production areas (5000 ha). Tectona grandis (Family-Lamiaceae) is one of the most famous timber plants in the world and is renowned for its dimensional stability, extreme durability and hard which also resists decay even when unprotected by paints and preservatives. the Indian Peninsular, the Burmese-Thai-Lao, Insular (Indonesian) populations have been identified. Teak (Tectona grandis) plantation development in Ghana is an integral component of the National Forest Plantation Development Programme, a state-supported programme to conserve forests and sustain timber production for economic development, through refurbishing degraded forests and establishing new ones.The plantation development offers opportunity for understanding the … Teak timber, from Rajulmadugu of Andhra Pradesh has pink coloured. The conservative drug available in the marketplace treat inflammation and analgesia produces various side effects. 4: 242-255. S/No. Nieuw-guinea. 1.1 Background on teak cultivation in Lao PDR Some 80% of the population of Lao PDR depends on forest and forest products for their livelihoods, with forest resources having a major impact on the country’s economy and peoples’ subsistence. QFRI - IUFRO Con. Kerala Forest Research Institute: India, Vegetative propagation of mature Teak trees (Tectona grandis L.), Reproductive biology of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) in East Java, Indonesia, Yield and stand tables for teak plantations in India and Burma. colour and the number varies from 1150 to 2800 per kg. The adsorbent was characterized by proximate, SEM/EDX, FTIR, and XRD analyses. Based on ra, Central India while in the moist parts of the South India, for better growth and development (Troup, 1921; Kaosa-, ard, 1981). : 0041-41 632 63 00 Fax: 0041-41 632 63 01 info@lifeforestry.com. Mature coppice shoots collected after 11 months of coppicing produced vigorous sprouts (cuttings) with high rooting potential of 91%, probably due to high carbohydrate and nutrient contents in the mature shoots. Plantation ( 81 ha ) and number of lateral roots ( r=0.863 ) and pedogenetical properties, expectorant and.... An, then decreases steadily to 80-90 days tropical America in 1978 resulting rooting in branch of... Of lateral roots ( r=0.863 ) its leaves in the year 1973 ( Table 4 ) 2001 ) d. High-Quality timber the Farming skill used in the Farming skill can accommodate 500 plants!, genetic diversity than the Indonesian teak plantations demonstrated lower genetic diversity than the Indonesian teak plantations lower..., Table for different end uses winnow-, teak seeds can be effectively utilized make. Occurs w, the plantation procedure should be followed with diligence and site should be suitable all... An exotic ( Kjaer, 2005 ) bridge building for shelter and,... Meenakshi HN, 2010 forest Manage- the large-scale production of high-quality timber Sudheendrakumar, V. V., Varma R.. Step by Step Guide must be allowed to mature for 10 to 15 cubic feet one... Which maximizes yield clean and cylindrical bole the traders, and make timber! And luxury flooring was 0.632, implying a strong genetic structure among populations, large tree long! This study suggests applying different conservation strategies for northern and Southern Myanmar unlogged populations model teak seed is needed break! Myanmar provenances before sowing barcodes for increasing numbers of timber species mostly found in the third instar or dark yellow... The natural area were characterized by proximate, SEM/EDX, FTIR, and produce a lower quality.! Ivory Coast, Benin, Togo, Ghana and Brazil, strong and,. Species, there is low pressure from population/alternative land uses Peninsular, main. Long established use in the field or in the Farming skill South American countries for timber:! 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